Mont Blanc – Lot 2142, 3cm Polished

Finish Lot # Thickness Dimensions
Polished 2142 3 CM 122″ x 78″ [Single Slab]

Mont Blanc Quartzite from Brazil, is highly resistant to heat, scratching, and staining.

Arena Stone NJ Mont Blanc - Lot 2142, 3cm Polished Mont Blanc Countertop (#1)

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Arena Stone NJ Mont Blanc - Lot 2142, 3cm Polished Mont Blanc Countertop (#6)
Arena Stone NJ Mont Blanc - Lot 2142, 3cm Polished Mont Blanc Countertop (#2)
Arena Stone NJ Mont Blanc - Lot 2142, 3cm Polished Mont Blanc Countertop (#4)

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